Valentina Temussi
Valentia graduated from the Oriental Institute University of Naples in Modern Literature with specialization in History of modern and contemporary theatre. She went on to study the International School of Corporeal Mime of London, where she also followed the post-graduate program in Teaching and Directing. She also studied at the theatre school BarDeFe. She was a member of the company 'Théâtre de l'Ange Fou' for four years in London and as an actress has collaborated with different theaters and festivals in several parts of the world: Brazil, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom. In Italy she has worked as an actress, in various projects and in conferences-demonstrations on corporeal mime at the Academy of Fine Arts and Lanificio25 in Naples and at the Teatro Potlach in Fara in Sabina. Since 2001 Valentina has been mime and theatre teacher in several schools and projects including The Factory Community Project in London, Mus-e onlus, Dinamo3 and Scuola Movimento Danza of Naples, Piccolo Re di Roma Teatro and Accento Teatro in Rome and Les Ateliers du Vent in Rennes. At present she is a mime teacher in MOVEO – School of Corporeal Dramatic Mime of Barcelona, Colegi del Teatre and Plató de Cinema in Barcelona.
Valentina is a co-founder and director of the company Teatro InSospeso, Naples.
Photo by Diarmuid O'Flaherty