A Country Under Wave
A Country Under Wave, is a programme of events hosted by Blue Raincoat Theatre Company inspired by the landscape of County Sligo and the myths, stories and people associated with it.
2020 Programme
Underwave, an underwater exhibition by Bettina Seitz representing successive arrivals to our shores, from Sligo’s earliest settlers through to people contributing to our modern multicultural society. Sand Drawings, The Flight of Diarmuid & Grainne, depicted in giant-scale sand relief, led by Jackie McKenna along with seven other professional sculptors and assisted by community volunteers. These events formed part of Tread Softly 2020.
2019 Programme
The Bare Hazel, the Battle of the Books a soundscape by the Sandy Field Writers. The Bare Hazel, ‘Maugherow, a much wilder place’ a bespoke multi-media happening. Walking Birds’ Mountain I, exhibited responses from writers and artists to the Cailleach Bhérra from 2018 for one week. Peace Park Meditation, Yoga and Tai Chi. The People of the Hollow Hills archaeological research findings by Pádraig Meehan and Robert Hensey. Sligo Dreams Project, speakers from diverse backgrounds shared dreams. Walking Birds’ Mountain II, exhibited responses from writers and artists to the Cailleach Bhérra from 2019 for one night and one day. Nine Queens, nine sculptors working with nine community groups on nine beaches to create nine sand sculptures representing the daughters of Manannán mac Lír. The Cormorant, the third broadsheet of Sligo writing. These events formed part of Tread Softly 2019.
2018 Programme
The launch of literary broadsheet, The Cormorant. An outdoor production of Purgatory at Hazelwood House by Blue Raincoat Theatre Company. Walking Birds’ Mountain, exhibited responses from writers and artists to the Cailleach Bhérra for one night. Sligo Dreams Project, speakers from diverse backgrounds shared dreams. The Playboy of the Western World by JM Synge, a series of outdoor readings by Blue Raincoat Theatre Company, the Sligo Drama Circle and the Phoenix Players. Dreams and Responsibilities, Yeats, Schwartz and Lou Reed, a Steampunk Club special. These events formed part of Tread Softly 2018
2017 Programme
Echoes by Kate McDonagh. Things Upon the Stone by Peter Martin. Synge on the Hour (The Tinker's Wedding, Riders to the Sea, In the Shadow of the Glen) by Phoenix Players|Sligo Drama Circle| Walter McDonagh Players. The Ghost of Fenollosa in the Wings of the Abbey Theatre by Sean Golden. The Only Jealousy of Emer by WB Yeats (Blue Raincoat Theatre Company). Among the deepening shades: Yeats and visual arts practice in Sligo by Una Mannion. Yeats on the Hour (At the Hawk's Well, On Baile's Strand, Words Upon the Windowpane) by Blue Raincoat Theatre Company|Cúchulainn Players|Sligo Drama Circle. The Cat and the Moon by WB Yeats (Blue Raincoat Theatre Company). Words Upon the Windowpane by WB Yeats (Branching Out. The Cat and the Moon by WB Yeats (Shigeyama Family). The Pot of Broth by WB Yeats and Lady Gregory (Endless Theatre Company).
2016 Programme
Lunchtime performances of The Cat and the Moon by WB Yeats. Readings on the hour of WB Yeats plays, At the Hawk’s Well, The Only Jealousy of Emer, Cathleen Ní Houlíhan, The Dreaming of the Bones, On Baile’s Strand and Words Upon the Windowpane. Outdoor performance of WB Yeats’ The Cat and the Moon at Dooney Rock.
2015 Programme
On Baile's Strand by WB Yeats (Blue Raincoat Theatre Company. The Cúchulainn Cycle 5 Plays by WB Yeats (Blue Raincoat Theatre Company. Noh Master Ryoki Aoki. At the Hawk's Well by WB Yeats (Blue Raincoat Theatre Company). Purgatory by WB Yeats (Blue Raincoat Theatre Company. The Trembling of the Veil by Bettina Seitz. Hidden Landscapes The Mythology & Archaeology of Caves in Sligo by Dr Marion Dowd. He Knew the Place Well WB Yeats & the Mythic Landscapes of County Sligo by Pádraig Meehan. The Only Jealousy of Emer by WB Yeats (Blue Raincoat Theatre Company. A Country Under Wave 26 Plays 26 Locations 2 Days.
Photo by Peter Martin